
Naomi | Write+Co. for screenwriters

Join the screenwriters who write to me each week saying, "Your columns are so inspiring," "The light came on after reading this," "Great newsletter this week!!! Always seems to be what I need for my writing. It’s like you’re a mind-reader! Thank you!"

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How to get the planning done quickly so you can start (and finish) your script

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... How to get the planning done quickly so you can start (and finish) your script 👇 P.S. There's 1 spot left in Saturday's workshop. Grab it and join the fun! 🙋Details at the bottom.👇 So… you have ideas and want to write a screenplay or TV pilot. Maybe you’ve already written a few, or at least started them. But you find yourself getting stuck in indecision, second-guessing every choice. Sometimes that means you never quite...

Please excuse a rare Monday email to share this timely news: If you want to write better dialogue... I hope you'll join me in Write Better Dialogue, a 4-week class starting September 29th. 😊 This is a new class that I've had a lot of requests for and a lot of help planning (thanks, Kat!), and I'm so excited to unveil it for you. The goal with this class is to give you: Useful information you haven't read before in every screenwriting book. Specifically, this class is focused on providing more...

👋 I've gotten a lot of requests for a dialogue class, so for the past couple of months I've been behind the scenes creating one. It’s a 4-week class starting on September 29th. (Save the date!) And, as always, I want to make sure this class provides as much useful information as it possibly can. So... What questions do you have? Is there something about writing dialogue that you haven’t quite been able to figure out? Reply and let me know. And now, onto our regularly scheduled Friday...

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... The 4th annual what's-your-screenwriting-goal? email This really is one of my favorite emails to send each year, because I love to hear what your screenwriting plans are and what you're working on next. If you've been receiving the Write+Co. weekly memo for a while, you'll recognize this New Year tradition: I'd like to offer a little help with your 2024 screenwriting goals with some friendly accountability. All you have to...

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... Does anyone want to read your screenplay? Here’s something you might not have realized about getting your spec script read: The more attractive your concept, the more time and attention it’ll get from busy readers (producers, execs, managers, agents i.e. people who aren’t being paid to read the script). In other words, if they can't tell from the concept that it’s a movie they want to make, or that they can sell to someone...

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... Dual protagonist character arcs, and your weekend read In some stories, there are two equally important protagonists, each of whom experiences a character arc. In other words, there are two protagonists in the story, working toward a common goal. Each one has something specific to learn from the experience. Writing a script that showcases two characters with their own arcs who eventually also grow in their relationship with...

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... The Write With Me Challenge Want to follow along as I write a screenplay? Whether you want to work on your own project alongside me, or simply observe my progress as a week-by-week case study, the Write With Me Challenge is here to help. What is the Write With Me Challenge? That's an official-sounding name for an 8-week behind-the-scenes peek at my writing process. During the challenge, I'll share what I'm doing as I write...

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... Building a character arc through every scene Even if you understand what character arc is in concept, you may still feel confused about how to actually make it show up in your script. The truth is, character arc shows up scene by scene. Thinking about it that way will help you build an effective character arc that deepens the story. What’s the movie really about? This varies by individual movie, of course, but if we're...

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... One tweak for better dialogue, scene, and character Getting rid of Q&A dialogue is a quick way to improve not only the dialogue and the scene, but the character as well. But, wait -- what is Q&A dialogue? There’s a type of scene you find in a lot of beginner screenplays that looks something like this: JANE: Hey, how did your date go?AMELIA: I don’t know. I thought we hit it off but he hasn’t called.JANE: How long has it...

Hey, it's Naomi with your weekly screenwriting memo! Today's topic... Romcom fans, I need your input What are the best romcoms of the last 40 years? I'm working on the next book in the Story Structure Made Easy series, and it's all about romcom structure. (Don't worry, horror fans, yours is coming.) Right now I'm watching A TON of romcoms to decide which ones to include, but I'm sure there are some good ones I've missed. Especially with romcoms becoming such a streaming-centric genre, many of...