If you want to write better dialogue...

Please excuse a rare Monday email to share this timely news:

If you want to write better dialogue...

I hope you'll join me in Write Better Dialogue, a 4-week class starting September 29th. 😊

This is a new class that I've had a lot of requests for and a lot of help planning (thanks, Kat!), and I'm so excited to unveil it for you.

The goal with this class is to give you:

  1. Useful information you haven't read before in every screenwriting book. Specifically, this class is focused on providing more than just screenwriting theory or abstract ideas. I want to give you the kind of practical information that will change the way you look at dialogue, and that you can start to use in your own writing right away.
  2. Useful tools you can apply right away, and that you will use with every script you write. Each week we'll cover one part of the 3-layer framework I shared a few weeks ago, and what I've really strived to do with these lessons is make them immediately applicable. Yes, you'll get the useful information I mentioned above. But in the Week 2 lesson, for example, you'll also learn an exercise you can use right now to actually generate subtext to use in a scene (and its dialogue).

    I'm especially excited to share my collection of 25+ dialogue "tricks". (Right now there are 29; more may be added.) These are little craft techniques that I've collected over the years that can be used to spice up a scene, add an interesting dynamic, enhance the conflict, or just make the scene more lively and entertaining.

    Sometimes one spark of an idea is all you need to unlock a scene, so I'm giving you a set of potential "sparks." My hope is that you'll continue to add to it and make it your own.

But wait – I said a 4-week class, and the framework only has three parts. What are we going to do in Week 4?

If you've taken a class with me before, you know I'm careful not to put anyone on the spot. I'd never force a writer to share their work before they're ready. But, I also know that being in a room with other writers is a lot of fun and a great opportunity for a little collaboration.

So our fourth week will be a workshopping session and Q&A. In this class session you can get any remaining dialogue questions answered, you can submit a scene – if you choose – to show the group how you've implemented the tools we've covered, you can even get help revising a scene's dialogue, if you'd like.

(Don't worry – I have a backup plan in case no one wants to be in the hotseat. 😂)

Find full details about the class here. We start on September 29th (less than two weeks away!), and I hope to see you there.

And if you have any questions about the class, email me anytime. (You can reply to this email and it'll go straight to my inbox.) I'm always happy to hear from you!

Until next time,


P.S. For quick reference, Write Better Dialogue class meetings are: September 29, October 6, October 13, and October 20, all 9am - 11am Pacific / 12pm - 2pm Eastern. Sign up here and I'll see you in class!

Naomi | Write+Co. for screenwriters

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Read more from Naomi | Write+Co. for screenwriters

👋 I've gotten a lot of requests for a dialogue class, so for the past couple of months I've been behind the scenes creating one. It’s a 4-week class starting on September 29th. (Save the date!) And, as always, I want to make sure this class provides as much useful information as it possibly can. So... What questions do you have? Is there something about writing dialogue that you haven’t quite been able to figure out? Reply and let me know. And now, onto our regularly scheduled Friday...

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