Your Open House invitation

Your Open House invitation

Hello friends!

On Sunday, June 9th, I’m hosting a Finish Your Screenplay Open House... and you’re invited! This session is open to everyone!

In case you missed last week’s email and are wondering what Finish Your Screenplay even is, the quick recap:

FYS is a live screenwriting class starting June 23rd. We’ll meet for 4 weekly* "roadmap" sessions where you'll get a detailed explanation of what happens and what to aim for in your screenplay, sequence by sequence, so that you can apply it immediately. By the end of our time together you’ll have your entire screenplay mapped out in a complete draft, outline, or scriptment (your choice). Additional details here and a full schedule and description here.

But, back to today's invitation…

What can you expect from the Open House?

Expect a fairly casual, informal session. The agenda will go something like this:

  • Open Q&A time! Need a fresh set of eyes on your logline? Have a process question you want some input on? Want suggestions for movies to watch or screenplays to read? Ask me anything.

    And if you're interested in the upcoming Finish Your Screenplay class, this is a good place to ask questions about what’s included, what we’ll be doing in the class, whether it’s the right class for you, etc.
  • A quick Prep Your Screenplay mini-lesson! I'll share a bunch of my favorite ways to think through a new story idea, and the things I aim to get a grasp on early in the story development process.

    (And you can use these exercises and suggestions to get ready for the Finish Your Screenplay class, if you choose to join us.)

So, bring your coffee and questions! I’ll do my best to provide answers.

I'll meet you on Zoom on June 9th @ 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern. No registration or RSVP necessary, simply click this button to join the meeting:

See you there!

Naomi | Write+Co. for screenwriters

Join the screenwriters who write to me each week saying, "Your columns are so inspiring," "The light came on after reading this," "Great newsletter this week!!! Always seems to be what I need for my writing. It’s like you’re a mind-reader! Thank you!"

Read more from Naomi | Write+Co. for screenwriters

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